The Chamber can be a valuable resource for your business. We are here to help you see opportunities through connections and engagement with other organizations and the wider community. We want your business to thrive! Below are just a few of the many ways that we can help you to grow and sustain your business.
Click here to become a member.
Networking Opportunities:
- Bi-monthly Networking Breakfasts
- Bi-monthly Stoneham Downtown Merchant Group Meetings
- Women in Business Series
- Monthly Multi-Chamber Networking events
- Landing page in Chamber's online business directory.
- Advertisements in bi-weekly ChamberNews email newsletters/blasts
- Ads and insert fliers in The Chamber Newsletter
- Banner advertisement on this website
- Advertisements in event program books
- E-Newsletters, E-bulletins, Mailed newsletters
Business Counseling:
- One-to-One FREE counseling through SCORE. (Division of SBA)
- Scheduled workshops and seminars focused on pertinent business topics
- Business voice at the local level with Town of Stoneham
- Participation in Small Business Forums with state legislators and local representatives
Community Involvement/Volunteer Opportunities:
- Town Day
- Halloween Stroll
- Tree Lighting on the Common
- Holiday Parade
- Holiday Open House
- Health & Wellness Fair
- Summer Concert Series
Special Social Events:
- Golf Tournament
- Annual Meeting & Year-End Social
Direct Benefits through Chamber business partnerships:
- Competitive health insurance for small businesses through HSA
- Constant Contact E-Mail Marketing Discount
- Member-to-Member discounts
Scholarship Program for Graduating Seniors:
- Chamber of Commerce Business Scholarship
- Kathleen E. Bray Scholarship
- John F. Mahoney Jr. Scholarship