Get face covering signs for your business. If you would like a sign for your window reminding customers that face coverings are mandatory, you can download a sign here. Window signs can also be dropped off at your place of business at no cost. Please email Megan Day at megan@stonehamchamber.org to have signs delivered.
Internal Revenue Service issues FAQs on CARES Act Employee Retention Credit. A lesser know provision of the CARES Act is getting more attention as businesses are looking for payroll relief options beyond the PPP. To read the IRS FAQs, click here. For an overview of the program, click here.
Provide feedback to the Governor’s Reopening Advisory Board. On April 28, Governor Baker announced the creation of the Reopening Advisory Board. This group is charged with advising the administration on strategies to reopen the economy in phases based on health and safety metrics. To submit comments to the board, please fill out the form here. Comments will be reviewed and taken into consideration as the Advisory Board develops a reopening report.
We want to share your expertise with the community. The Chamber is creating a library of how-to videos to share on social media. Topics can be anything you want to share and any length. You can upload your videos here. To learn more, click here.
Take advantage of the many free webinars being offered to small businesses. There are a lot of great webinars coming up in the next two weeks to help guide you through the COVID-19 crisis, navigate reopening your business and learn new skills in an ever changing economy.
Wednesday, May 6
Thursday, May 7
- Supporting Our Community Non-Profits During The COVID-19 Pandemic
- SCORE: Be Your Best Ambassador. Promoting Yourself and Your Brand
- MassPay Solutions: Getting Back to Business/Avoiding Re-Opening Pitfalls
- SCORE: Navigating Long-Term Uncertainty and the Aftermath of Disruption
- AIM Thirty on Thursday: Re-imagining Your Business
Monday, May 11
Tuesday, May 12
- SCORE: Sales Strategies to Stay Profitable During COVID-19
- SCORE: The 4 Key Things Business Owners Should Be Focused on Right Now
Wednesday, May 13
Thursday, May 14
Friday, May 15