Chamber Golf Tournament Registration + Sponsor Opportunities Name(Required) First Last CompanyEmail(Required) PLAYER REGISTRATIONIndividual Player Quantity Price: $200.00 Quantity Foursome Quantity Price: $800.00 Quantity SIGNAGE & VISIBILITY OPPORTUNITIESTee Sponsor QuantityShow your support with a 16" x 16" sign on a course tee with your business name, logo and qr code. Price: $125.00 Quantity Swag Bag Inclusion QuantityInclude a promotional item or flyer (you provide) in the swag bag given to all players in the tournament. Price: $50.00 Quantity Golf Cart Sponsor QuantityYour business and logo featured on all carts, rules sheets and score cards. $750 each | Two (2) available Price: $750.00 Quantity Driving Range Sponsor QuantitySponsor the driving range with your business acknowledged at the range and in the program. $500 each | Three (3) available Price: $500.00 Quantity Gift Certificate or Raffle ItemPlease describe what you are donating to the raffle. The chamber office will contact you regarding the details and pick the item up from you. FOOD & BEVERAGE OPPORTUNITIESBeverage Tasting Station QuantityHave a sign with your company logo placed at a beverage or tasting station on the course. $300 each | Two (2) available Price: $300.00 Quantity Bartender QuantitySponsor bartender service during the dinner program. Have your logo featured on the bar table tents and acknowledged in the program. $150 each | Three (3) available Price: $150.00 Quantity Lunch Sponsor QuantityEvery player will receive lunch in the clubhouse prior to playing. Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on signage and acknowledged at luncheon. Three (3)available Price: $500.00 Quantity Dinner Sponsor QuantityDinner will be served to all players after they complete the course. Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on signage and acknowledged at dinner. Two (2) available Price: $750.00 Quantity SPECIALTY CONTEST OPPORTUNITIESLongest Drive QuantitySponsor a longest drive contest among participants andreceive exclusive signage at a hole. One (1) available Price: $500.00 Quantity Putting Contest QuantityExclusive signage at the contest site. Opportunity to greet players. One (1) available Price: $500.00 Quantity Total Payment MethodPayPal CheckoutCredit Card MasterCardVisaSupported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa Card Number Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Name Payment Method Pay with Credit Card (You will be emailed an invoice with payment link) Pay by Check (Stoneham Chamber of Commerce, 335 Main Street, Suite 202, Stoneham, MA 02180) Pay with Venmo (@StonehamChamber) Share this:TweetPrintEmail