Tree Lighting on the Stoneham Common
Sunday, December 1, 2024, 3-5PM
The popular Tree Lighting on the Town Common will be offered for the 21st year in partnership with the Stoneham Department of Public Works, Stoneham Police and Fire Departments, Stoneham Recreation, and local sports and youth groups. This year's celebration will include visits with Santa, a train ride for kids on the Common, craft making and activities, hot chocolate, the Memory Tree, holiday music and caroling.
In conjunction with the Annual Tree Lighting on the Common, there will be a second annual Winter Arts & Crafts Fair in Town Hall from 1:00pm to 5:00 pm. More than 50 local vendors will be on hand offering unique, handcrafted gifts for the holidays.
Interested in becoming an event sponsor? Click here or contact Megan Day at megan@stonehamchamber.org.
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